Part 25: It's a Cat-astrophe!
Last time, we visited Lady Diana in the Rygs Mansion, but ended up chased into the basement by Fereydoon. For some inexplicable reason, Persephone was hanging out in the basement, and she kicked Rebecca's teeth in before having a change of heart and choosing to delay our pursuers.Today, we head through the Isolated Path, located beneath the Rygs Mansion.
Music: Your Unknown World

This dungeon introduces Fan Blocks. Fan Blocks cannot be moved, only rotated.

By rotating the fan and moving an ordinary block out of the way, we can use the fan to spin that little doohickey (doohickey is the technical term.) and open a door on the other side of the room. This room also contains a Duplicator chest with a Fish Badge.

This room has a sealed door on the left, and an open door across the gap in the floor. There are also two blocks and two pressure buttons on the other side of the gap. We can't get over there, though.
The Power Shot actually has another function which we've never had to use before.

It can push blocks around. By pushing both of these blocks by one space, we can open the door next to us and continue.
We continue through a few more rooms that consist entirely of rotating fans to spin doohickeys. Just re-read the bit where I encountered the first Fan Block a couple of times and you'll get the same experience as you would if I typed it all out.

This room clearly contains a boss, but if we drop straight down and hug the wall, we can open some chests before we activate the battle. The chests contain a Lucky Card, a Dragon Fossil, and a Leather Jacket.

Chuck's first alternate costume! Now that we have these, I start the boss fight.
Boss: Elbucky
Music: Terrible-Monster Attacking Crew!

The Nimble Dress he's carrying is one of Carol's alternate costumes. It can't be obtained anywhere else, so if you kill Elbucky without stealing it, it's gone forever.

Elbucky can deal 1000 damage and cause Misery status to a straight line of HEXes with the ability Meowserable.

Characters in a HEX affected by misery are turned into cats and can't do anything but move. Their DEF and RES are lowered, and their Personal Skills are all disabled as well. So, for example, a character with the Sword Medium can only move to an adjacent space when affected by misery.

"But what do cats have to do with misery?" you may ask. The answer is "nothing". In Japan, the misery status is called "helpless", which makes a bit more sense, since your character is turned into a helpless kitten. Helpless has always been called "misery" in the English Wild Arms games though, so they couldn't really change it.

Elbucky's regular attack normally deals about 1000 damage, but it does significantly more damage to cats. He also uses Crush for about 1000 damage to humans.

Elbucky is a cat though, so he's easily distracted.
For some reason I decided to get all of Carol's combination attacks during this fight. (I showed them all off too, so check out the video if you want to see them.)

Carol and Greg's combination attack, Gungnir Effect, costs 25 FP and deals magic damage, with extra damage dealt to flying enemies.

Carol and Chuck's combination attack, Electric Claw, costs 50 FP and deals physical damage, with extra damage deal to Golem enemies.

Carol and Rebecca's combination attack, Genocide Circus, has an awesome name. It also costs 50 FP, and deals physical damage to all enemies. Check out the boss video if you want to see an attack called "Genocide Circus".
I already have Dean's and Avril's, though I'm not sure if I got them during boss fights or ordinary battles. I don't show them off in this video, but I'll be making a compilation video with all of the combination attacks later on.
Music: Your Unknown World

That would be the Nimble Dress we stole from Elbucky. It's very pink.

The Sol Niger is on the other side of that gap, but we can't cross it right now. We'll have to come back later.


Music: The Professor (Appearance)

Assistant Researcher: Professor... Surely you needn't dwell on that so much...
Lead Researcher: But I must admit, you have changed... None would imagine you were once at the forefront of the movement to reform Filgaia.

Assistant Researcher: I suppose that's also a result of meeting Carol?
Lead Researcher: You fool! If you mention that-

Lead Researcher: Um, if I may continue...?

Assistant Researcher: To reiterate, then... Many among the Veruni have felt a sense of rejection in the years since our settlement on Filgaia. We have determined the source of this to be a poisonous compound in the atmosphere known as the VR factor. The compound was not present during the initial settlement, instead appearing some time later. But it has grown rapidly in concentration over recent years.
Lead Researcher: Life-forms native to Filgaia appear to be capable of neutralizing the substance, but our bodies are not. We thus consider it a safe conclusion that this VR factor is the primary cause of the various illnesses that have afflicted many of our kind living on Filgaia.
Assistant Researcher: However, we have determined that there is a method through which we can artificially neutralize the VR factor. The key in this neutralization process is-

Lead Researcher: Yes. As their name suggests, mediums serve to strengthen the spiritual link between their holders and Filgaia. This allows the holder of a medium to draw upon Filgaia's power.

Lead Researcher: No, unfortunately. Our current technology is incapable of analyzing the workings of a medium in detail. At best, we can create blank mediums into which the functions of an existing medium can be copied.

Assistant Researcher: Regrettable, we have not. Humans, who are already connected to Filgaia, are the only ones capable of establishing the spiritual link required to activate a blank medium. Original mediums, on the other hand, require no such activation, and can be used by Veruni and human alike... However, we lack the technological capability to create new original mediums.

Lead Researcher: We would need to attain a technological level equivalent to that of 12,000 years ago, at least with respect to mediums. I cannot imagine we could accomplish that in less than a hundred years.

Assistant Researcher: Unfortunately, our research into mediums as a method of combating the VR factor does not seem likely to produce any further adances...

Lead Researcher: There is, however, one remaining prossibility, slight as it may be. We have resolved the mystery surrounding the creator of the original mediums.

Lead Researcher: Judging from documents that reference the name "Lilithea", we are 90% certain that the creator was none other than the Ice Queen of 12,000 years ago.

Lead Researcher: Yes. She is the only one who would clearly have had the capability to create them at that time.
Assistant Researcher: There are a total of six original mediums. They are said to almost have minds of their own, often disappearing from their owners without a trace. Most of the mediums currently in use on Filgaia are simply copies of those six original mediums. One could say that the true owners of the originals are those chosen by the Ice Queen. We had one in our possession, but returned it to her upon her visit here.

The Isolated Path drops us off in the desert, and we head back to Twelbit to check on Lucille.

Music: You're So Close Yet So Far Away

The Art of Wild Arms